International Human Resource Management(IHRM)

The 1st Session of the International Human Resource Management (IHRM) Division, Transcultural Management Society

Date & Time: Saturday, December 18, 2021, 14:00-17:30 *Online meeting

MC: Qiuli YANG, Kyoto Tachibana University;
Takashi HAYASHI, Nanzan University


14:00-14:10 Opening Remarks

Emiko MAGOSHI, President of the Transcultural Management Society (J. F. Oberlin University)
Masayuki FURUSAWA, Director of the International Human Resource Management (IHRM) Division of the Transcultural Management Society (Kindai University)


Speaker: Masayuki FURUSAWA, Kindai University
Topics: An empirical study on the inward-looking/overseas orientations of Japanese university students: Based on their situations surrounding the requirements for 'global human resources'


Speaker: Toshiya MURATA, ReloExcel
Topics: Trends in training before overseas assignment and global human resources training: Thinking from the standpoint of providing corporate training


Speaker: Hiroaki NISHIMURA, Yanmar Holdings
Topics: Global human resources development in Yanmar Group: Continuous actions to develop global talents

16:45-17:20 Breakout Room Sessions

17:20-17:25 Closing Remarks

Kenichi YASUMURO, University of Hyogo; Osaka University of Commerce

17:25-17:30 Housekeeping announcement

Click image.

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